Tuesday, April 9, 2013

No More Bullying

No More Bullying

Don't be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies.  There is nothing they can do to your soul, your core being .  Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life - body and soul - in His hands (Matthew 10:28 The Message Bible)

Yes, the scriptures does address bullying.  The devil came into the garden as the ultimate bully.  He watched and choose the weaker vessel and began to taunt and entice in the garden.  Although he had no place and no authority he tried to become what he was not.  More often than not bullies seem to have more going on than they actually do.  Most people who bully are insecure and attention getter's because they are missing something in their life. 

As the scripture exhorts us not to be in silence we need to remind ourselves every day.  You have a voice not to be silent anymore.  Go tell a trusted friend, family member, teacher or clergy if you are being bullied.  People you did not expect to turn on you may and stab you in the back and go right on like nothing has every happened.  You must take the "high road" which means rise above the small talk and chatter.  You have more things to do in life.  You are valued by God.  God loves you and wants only what is best for you.

There is nothing anyone can do to your soul.  Regardless of your age God's hand is upon your life.  You were called, and justified before being conceived in your mother's womb.  Live in the overflow of your life and let that spill over into the lives of  others.  If you are a young person, contact a trusted friend or family and share what is happening to you.  Take your power back in Jesus Name,

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