Friday, May 31, 2013

Money Management

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil… 1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)

There is nothing wrong with money, in and of itself, or even having an abundance of it.  The issue comes with the love of it.  If we look closely at how we manage money, we would undoubtedly uncover the real value we place on it - and whether or not we have a love for it.  If we constantly make excuses or come up with “good” reasons as to why we should not allocate money in areas we know we should – this could be an indication of a love of money.  Proper money manage involves first and foremost rendering what is rightfully due.

Now the tithe belongs to God (Leviticus 27:30).  A tithe is ten percent of all incoming money.  So if we love God and not money – we would have no problem giving what is rightfully His.  Matthew 6:21 says, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  So if we love God, the proof is in our treasure, that is, our money.  It is only when we come to trust and give that we will experience God opening up the windows of heaven and pouring us out a blessing that we will not have room enough to receive (Malachi 3:10).  I believe part of the blessing is to provide us with wisdom and guidance to properly manage and multiply the money that remains in our care.

Today, love God - not money.  Start to tithe and give offerings.  It is truly the first step toward proper money management and financial stability.

Monday, May 27, 2013

We Salute Our Veterans This Memorial Day

A Poem by Jim Pemberton

We salute every soldier who’s
served this great nation.
And offer a heart of thanks
and appreciation!

We salute each member
of our armed forces.
And are thankful for their
efforts and resources!

We salute the many who
protect our borders too.
We’d be in trouble…
If not for people like YOU!

We salute every son and
daughter lost in a war.
YOU are what serving this
country is meant for!

We salute the officers who’ve
guided our women and men.
Our prayers are with you!
And our love from within!

We salute our veterans!
Wherever they may be!
Those who served on
land, air and sea!

Offering prayer to the
Lord is our belief…
That he will guide our

As we observe Memorial Day this year…
Let’s offer our soldiers
love, hope and cheer!

May God bless them in
all they endeavor
And his peace be with them
today and forever!!


Saturday, May 25, 2013


             As men and women, one of the most difficult behaviors we express is humility. Many of us wrestle with the idea of humbling ourselves.  Have you ever been in a disagreement with someone and beyond any doubt you knew you were right; did you confront the person on how wrong they were?  Have you ever had to do something you really didn't want to do, did you complain?  In this life, we will be faced with countless opportunities to express humility and how we conduct ourselves determines whether we ourselves will be humbled or exalted.  Matthew 23:12b declares “he who humbles himself will be exalted."

        For a long time I thought being humble was simply doing a good dead.  In many ways it is, but simply said humility is the act of exalting someone else above our self.  Although easily said, depending on the circumstance, it could be very difficult, there are times where I really don’t want to help, but to do something knowing I really don’t want to really exemplifies humility.  In many of us there is a natural desire to be right about something; there is a natural reaction to complain or defend false accusation; and some of us find it nearly impossible not to complain about something we do not want to do.  Today is a simply yet rewarding challenge, focus your attention on humility.  If we would only hold on to the promise of Christ, we would receive the reward of His word.  Humble yourself and watch God move.  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Reaping a Harvest

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

No one wants to work long and hard only to find at the end of all his or her efforts – nothing has been accomplished.  This would cause anyone to become dissatisfied, disappointed or discouraged.  However God promises that this will never happen if we continue to do what He has called us to do without giving up.

Some years ago, I use to minister to inpatients at a drug and alcohol abuses center.  It had been four long years of hard work when I started to question whether or not the work we were doing was even making a difference.  Then one day, while some friends and I were out and about, a woman came running after us and stopped us. She wanted to share her testimony.  She said she had been in and out of drug rehabilitation centers for years; then, one day, I walked in and preached the Word of God and it changed her life forever.  Since then – she has been cleaned for over a year and has been going to church every Sunday since.

Today be encouraged that whatever you do for God – it reaps a harvest.  You may not realize it – until over a year later, like I did – or it may not ever come to light.  Just know an abundant harvest is produced through your continued obedience to God.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Never Enough

Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then, face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known. (1 Corinthians 12:12 KJV)

One of the most wonderful discoveries about the Christian life is that there is always more to discover.  You have the privlege of knowing God, but you also find that the more you learn, the more you realize there is yet to understand.  In all the joys and sorrows of life, God is with you.  Yet at the same time, this known and loved heavenly Friend is also a great mystery, beyond all human understanding.

Sometimes you may want to put God in a box.  Perhaps you like to have your answers pat, your explanations neat and tidy.  God wants you and I to trust Him.  God is infinite and almighty.  He will do what He pleases.  God has made Himself known.  You know Him through nature and see Him reflected in your own human nature.  We know Him because He has spoken to us in scriptures.  And as a Christian, you have come to know Him through Jesus Christ, who you believe is fully God and yet also fully human, in time and space.  Yet you only touch the hem of His garment, even in these wonderful ways of knowing Hime.  To try to comprehend the vastness of the mystery of God is like trying to contain the ocean in a teacup.

The greatest mystery is the love of God.  The scriptures proclaim it, but you also experience it in the unexpected mercies of life.  The accident you just missed by minutes.  The miracle of birth.  The wonder of one human being loving another.  Ponder the mysteries of life in your heart.  Make room for moments to worship God in the beauty of holiness and to honor the mysteries of the human heart.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

But God will give glory, honor, and peace to all who do what is good…  For God judges everyone by the same standard. Romans 2:10-11 (GNT)

I was taught never to give anything to someone I would not want for myself.  It was a good standard my elder was teaching me.  However, it was not the best one.  It taught me to give according to my standard – but the best standard to go by is God’s standard.  A standard is defined as something established by authority, custom or general consent as a model or example.

Imagine if the standard someone went by was a horrible example to follow?  What if someone gave you rotten or out-of-date food?  What if someone had gifted wrapped and given to you something that was used, dirty and stained?  Would you not be offended?  Unfortunately I have not made those examples up.  I know people in the church who have given such things or gifts repeatedly and find nothing wrong in doing so.  Why?  They see nothing wrong in given rotten food because they themselves eat rotten food.  They see nothing wrong in given used, dirty and stained things away because they accept and use such things themselves.

So it is not good to use what we accept as a standard of giving.  Our standard can be too low or, to the other extreme, too high and no one is worthy of our gifts.  A good example of that is forgiveness.  We may have a standard so high that the other person is not worthy of our forgiveness.

Today let us go beyond our own standards.  Let God’s standard be the only acceptable standard by which we live and give.  God gives glory, honor and peace based on the same standard for all.  Let us do the same.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mistakes Happen

Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. (Romans 6:14 NKJV)

Mistakes happen.  What counts is what you do with them.  Instead of kicking yourself, learn from them.  Let them be your teachers.

You get frustrated, especially when you make the same mistakes time and time again but mistakes are part of the learning process.  When an artist makes a mistake, it often leads to an unexpected result, a more beautiful piece of art.  When God sees a "mistake."  He understands and forgives. Even more. He transforms the mistake and its consequences into a way to help you grow and develop.  A mistake is a lesson, an opportunity to learn.

Watch a child learn to walk.  The child doesn't fall and then decide they are never going to get up again.  No, something deep inside impels the child to keep trying.  Up again on unsteady legs, ready to try once more.  No matter how many times the child falls, they pick themselve up and goes at it again.  The child doesn't cripple him/herself with an inner dialogue that says they are a failure for falling.  They don't concentrate on the fall, but on the goal of setting up and walking.  Deep down inside, they know they can do it.  The child was born to walk and they know it.  And when they triumphantly takes their first steps, all the falls are forgotten in the glee of accomplishments.

So it is with you.  If you keep making the same mistakes over and over again, it is a signal that you have a lesson to learn.  Perhaps you need to try a different way of doing things.  Perhaps there is some skill that you need to develop or some confidence that you have to build.  Just as an artist doesn't immediately produce a polished masterpiece, so you may have some more things to work through.  Perhaps like the child learning to walk, the falls you take are just part of the natural process of reaching your goal.  We are all people in process.

What about the mistakes and failures that hurt others?  Trust God and His mercy.  Ask His forgiveness and, if appropriate, ask the forgiveness of those who have been hurt by your actions.  He forgives you and will help you deal with the consequences of your mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and move on.  Mistakes are your teachers, if you will allow them to teach you.

Monday, May 20, 2013

God Got This!

In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned, and) created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 (AMP)

In the beginning, God – this is how the Bible begins.  God alone existed.  Then he created the heavens and the earth.  Creation is then the work of God brining all things into existence out of nothing.  This should be quite comforting for all of us who love and serve God.

When God created – He revealed His immutability.  This simply means He does not change.  Although He changes situations and even us, He Himself does not change.  God said I the LORD do not change (Malachi 3:6).  This is good news because it means God is still creating something out of nothing.

When God created – He also revealed His infinitude.  That is, God has no beginning, and He has no ending.  In the beginning, there was God only.  Then He created the beginning of time.  When time ends, God will remain.  Psalm 102:25-27 lets us know that, In the beginning you laid the foundations ...  They will perish, but you remain … and your years will never end.  This is yet still good news for us because God will never stop creating something out of nothing.

Also when God created – He further revealed His unlimited power.  Now although God has all power, there are some things He cannot or will not do.  He cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18).  He will not contradict Himself (Mark 3:25).  And He will not overturn our free-will choices.  Even with what He cannot or will not do – God still possess the ability to do the impossible.

Today let us remember – no matter what seemingly impossible situation(s) we face – God is still capable of turning the impossible to possible.  So whatever it is – let us confidently confess and profess – God Got This!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Emotional Illusions

(What's the true image, can you see beyond your emotions)
James 4:7 (NKJV) “Therefore submit to God resist the devil and he shall flee”

In my opinion some of the most entertaining people to watch are illusionist, they are able to create an image so admirable it diverts our attention away from what’s real, in essence rendering us blind to what's real.  Admiration is an emotion derived from an experiential excitement and emotions at its peak has the ability to paralyze us in our present state making it nearly impossible to see anything outside our current experience.  The greatest illusionist known to man is the devil and he understands if he can tap into our emotions, he can create an illusion so desirable, it blinds us from the truth.  If we are going to break the image of an illusion we must follow the process of God. 
James 4:7 declares “Submit to God(all truth), resist the devil(all lies) and he will flee(vanish)”  Today I challenge you before you start your day, to examine your present circumstances and ask yourself, am I in the right place am I following the will of God for my life or am I following my emotions leading me to oppose God? It is impossible to resist the devil (all lies) without submitting to God (all truth).  Many of us are so in tune to our emotions, we follow what opposes God, despite knowing it’s the wrong thing to do.  If we are going to overcome our emotions, we must follow a system that is consistently true.  Submitting to God breaks the image of illusions and leads us into all truth, despite what is appears real around us. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Seasons of Life

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV)

Life has its seasons.  As the year turns and the seasons come round, you are reminded that all things have their time and place.  Spring is the time of new birth and new beginnings, of seedlings pushing through the ground and small green leaves lacing the tree branches with young growth.  Summer brings flowers, fruitfulness, and long lazy days with picnics and vacation and play.  Fall is a time of harvest and endings, of starting school, autumn mists, and drifting leaves.  Winter's cold brings a reminder of death and dormancy, yet even the buds for next year's growth wait on the branches in anticipation of springs warmth.

There are many seasons in your life.  Newborn babies see the world for the first time and mothers also see the world anew through the innocent eyes of their children.  Young girls dream about what it will be like to become a woman.  Young boys dream about what it will be like to become a man.  As bodies change, awkward coltish adolescence matures into graceful young adulthood.  A girl may fall in love, become a married woman, bear children, raise them, then see her children's children go through the same cycle again.

Through good times and bad, you can celebrate the seasons of your life.  First of all, remember that God is with you in every season of your life.  When the storms of sorrow tear your world apart, He is with you.  When you laugh in the sunlight of happiness, He shares your joy.  He walks with you in times of discouragement, waits with you for the perfect timing, and comforts you when sorrow weighs your heart to the ground.

Be ready in all seasons to see God's grace at work in your life.  Know that God created this natural order of life on earth.  When a season of plenty arrives, set aside the extra for the seasons when there is less to go around.  Savor your moments and make memories, storing them up for future days of reverie and remembrance.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Define Your Life

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

I remember the time when I received all A’s and one B, and my dad’s response was – “I still see a B”.  I also remember the time when that still hurt, and when I still allowed that to define who I was – a person who was always lacking, always looking for what was wrong instead of focusing on what was right with me.  Many adults spend many years defining themselves based on things that have happened in their youth.  However when we stop listening to our past and start listening to our present and future - we gain an entirely different perspective.

Now there use to be a saying about words - "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”.  That is not, at all, true.  Words define who we are.  Romans 10:17 reveal, so faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (KJV).  So the questions to ask are what are we listening to, and what do we believe about ourselves?  No matter what has happened - in our past - or what has been said to us - in our past - we are new creations in Christ - in our now.

Today make the decision to stop defining yourself based on the past – past words, past failures and even past successes.  God is doing new things in our lives everyday.  To that we should simply say like the Apostle Paul, Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.  Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In His Presence

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV)

Prayer is communion with the God who loves you. You can cultivate many forms of prayer, praise, worship, thanksgiving, confession, adoration, petition, supplication, intercession, and meditative prayer.  When you pray you come into God's presence and discover that God has been present with you all alongs.

You can bring your daily cares and needs to God in prayer any time, any place.  He is intimately interested in the details of your life.  You can ask for His guidance in your relationships, for help in whatever your need, for provision for financial and physical needs.  Prayer does not have to be elaborate or long.  A quick prayer as you bandage skinned knees or cooked dinner connects you with your heavenly Father in an instant.  He loves your heartfelt prayers, whether you kneel to pray in church or sing worship songs as you go about your daily work.

Volumes have been written about prayer, from humble collections of devotionals to great theologies of prayer.  But prayer is not head knowledge that can be assessed in the pages of a book.  Prayer is connected to the God who created you and loves you!  There are many ways to pray.  There is always, first, and foremost the simple, honest and heartfelt cry to God.  This is the ground out of which a prayer life can flower.  You confess your sins and admit you need.  You ask for help for yourselves, for loved ones, for your community, for the church, and for the world.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Honor Your Mother

Honor your father and mother so that you’ll live a long time in the land that God, your God, is giving you. Exodus 20:12 (MSG)
The title “Exodus”, based on the original title for the book, means “the way out” – that is, the way out of slavery in Egypt.  The title was chosen to summarize the content of the book, which chronically accounts the release of the Children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage.  First – God, under the leadership of Moses, delivered the Children of Israel out of slavery.  Then – God gives them laws – religious, social and political laws – for them to live by in order to stay free.  The beginning of these laws starts with what we commonly refer to as the 10 commandments.  One of which is that we are to honor our father and mother.
To honor means to give weight to, to hold as valuable.  So we are to hold our parents in high esteem and regard them as valuable.  This is a command – whether our mother or father deserves honor or not.  This command has no age limit or expiration date.  No matter how young we are or how old we are.  No matter if our mother or father is still alive or has passed away – we are to honor in life and in memory.  This month - in particular - we celebrate Mother's Day.

Today, let us go beyond one day and celebrate our Mothers (dead or alive) everyday from this point on.  If your mother is (or was) 
Merciful, Loving, Truthful, Thoughtful, Blessed and a Friend – honor her.  If she isn’t (or wasn’t), then decide to be Merciful, Loving, Truthful, Thoughtful, a Blessing and a Friend to her (or to her memory). 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Risk of Being Drunk

1 Peter 1:13 Gird up the loins of your mind, BE SOBER and rest
your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the
the revelation of Jesus Christ
A few months ago I was in a drug and alcohol prevention seminar and not wanting to be a spectator for the entire event, when asked to volunteer, I quickly raised my hand.  I was asked to wear some glasses that gave a simulation of being drunk. The effects were not immediate, however after a few minutes of simply walking my vision began to be distorted and I could barely see what was right in front of me.  The simulation was design to show how individuals who drive drunk really see.  A person who drives drunk drives with the possibility of causing a catastrophic accident. 

As believers we are consistently challenged every day on a multitude of different levels. We are in a continuous battle and one of the most important aspects of battle is operating soberly, with a clear mind.  1 Peter 1:13a is a challenge to us to prepare for a battle that requires endurance and if we are going to remain in the battle and be effective, we must remain sober. Remaining sober enables us with the ability to see clearly through the lenses of our faith.  Attempting to operate in faith and be drunk or distracted by the worries of life; pleasures of life or even the responsibilities of life leads us to making a decision that could potentially cause a catastrophic accident.  Today as you prepare for your day, I challenge you to remain sober and remain focus on what you should be doing and remember distractions can be catastrophic.

Friday, May 10, 2013

When Doing Right Ends Wrong

The judges went along with the mob, had Paul and Silas’s clothes ripped off and ordered a public beating.  Acts 16:22 (MSG)

If you’re anything like me, somewhere in your psyche exists an idea that if you do all the right things, the end result should be a favorable one.  A carefully followed recipe should result in an eatable meal.  A perfectly rolled curve ball should knock down all 10 bowling pins.  A flawless jump shot should advance your basketball team by 2 points.  However, sometimes we can do all the right things yet the end result has us throwing away a disastrous meal, rolling a gutter ball or seeing the basketball bounce off the rim.

None of those things can compare to what Paul and Silas went through but the principle remains the same.  Their situation all started with a slave girl who was possessed by an evil spirit.  The evil spirit gave her the ability to predict the future, and her owners exploited her for that.  One day, Paul, who was accompanied by Silas, casted out the evil spirit.  The girl was then doubly freed.  She was free from of being possessed and free from being exploited.  This was by all accounts the right thing to do.  However her owners weren't too happy with losing their money maker and incited a rite against Paul and Silas.  The end result had both of them stripped, publicly beaten and thrown into jail.

Today let us remain determined to follow the right instructions, perform the right tasks and simply do the right thing - even if the result is not what we hope or expect.  Let us keep in mind James 1:2-4, consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trails of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (NIV)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Setting Godly Goals

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21 NIV)

You’re standing at a crossroads.  You may have success in your past, but now it’s time for growth and change.  You may have limitations and failures in the past, but now it’s time to create a new future with wider horizons.  It’s time to set some new goals.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself as you think about your goals….What is it that I really want to achieve?  Don’t limit yourself to what you think you can do or ask how it will be done.  Dare to dream beyond self-imposed limitations.  Seek your true heart’s desire first.  Then decide how to reach that goal later.

What do I need to stop doing so that I can start doing what I want to do? Learn to say no to what you don’t want.  Give yourself permission to say yes to what you do want.

What commitment am I willing to make? Change always takes more time than you think it will.  If you start asking how long it will take, you’re asking the wrong question.  It is easy to underestimate what it takes to reach your goal.  Choose a goal that is worthwhile and vitally important to you, and you’ll be able to make a full commitment to that goal. 

Pray and ask God to be with you in the process of dreaming, planning, and working toward your goals.  He wants to be your partner, helping you and guiding you throughout the entire process.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

At His Feet

When Boaz had finished eating and drinking and was in good spirits, he went over to lie down at the far end of the grain pile.  Ruth approached quietly, uncovered his feet and lay down. Ruth 3:7 (NIV)

The story of Ruth is a great example of God’s provision.  Ruth was married to one of Naomi’s sons.  Circumstances happened and Naomi’s husband and both her sons died.  So she decided to return back to her hometown.  Her other daughter-in-law went back to her family, but Ruth – despite Naomi’s encouragement to do otherwise – insisted on staying with Naomi.

When they arrived in Bethlehem, Naomi’s hometown, they had no money.  For food, Ruth went into a field to gather whatever grain she could.  Boaz, the farm owner, noticed Ruth and asked his workers to be kind to her and leave plenty of grain for her.  Ruth stayed all day and was able to pick up one ephah of grain, which amounted to a bushel.  Ruth returned home and told Naomi about the generous landowner.  Naomi was pleased to learn that it was Boaz, a relative, who – according to their custom – had the right to become Ruth’s kinsmen redeemer.  A kinsmen redeemer is one who assumes responsibility by marriage and eliminates any financial debt.  So Naomi instructed Ruth on what to do.  She was to lie at his feet.

This simple act, at his feet, initiated a wealth of blessings.  One of which was that Boaz and Ruth married and became great-grandparents of King David.  But more immediately, that night, Boaz sent Ruth home with six ephah of grain.  That was six times as much as she gathered on her own all day.  This reminds me of the account of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-41. Mary gleaned more by sitting at the feet of Jesus than Martha did working apart from Him, all day.

Today, let us remember that God does provide for us.  When we take the time to sit or even lay at His feet - that is, when we humble ourselves and allow His Words to infiltrate our hearts - we then open the floodgates of many blessings.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Relationship Building

Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose (Philippians 2:2 NIV)

How would you rate yourself on the “relationship” scale? Do you see room for improvement, or are relationships naturally your suit?  People seem to know instinctively whether others like and respect them, or not.  Make room in your schedule for “little acts of kindness” to the people you lead on a daily basis.  Is someone you work with going through a personal crisis?  Let them know you are there for them emotionally, and offer to help in practical ways such as shifting a difficult project to another coworker. 

Does morale need a boost?  Take a five-minute meeting with each of those you lead and point out their strongest on the job asset.  Jesus related to people as individuals, and as you relate to those you lead not just as employees but as human beings, you’ll notice a newfound richness in your organization.

Relationships are the currency of leadership, for without people and the necessary give and take that accompanies any worthwhile leadership endeavor, an organization would lose its value and purpose.  Since people are your greatest assets, pour your energies into developing them to their fullest potential.  Make the people you work with your priority today.