Thursday, May 2, 2013

God's love with Open Arms

Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit in sincere love of the brethen, love one another fervently with a pure heart. (1 Peter 1:22, NKJV)

What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word love?  Love is a large subject, impossible to contain in a few little words.  You have felt the power of love.  You have tasted the disappointments of love.  You have sung along with love songs on the radio and have joined in with the congregation to sing stirring hymns of God's unfailing love.  Television shows and movies often confuse love with sex, while literature offers romantic love as the answer to our heart's deepest desire.  Meanwhile, commercials warn you that you will never be lovable if you don't buy this deodorant or that toothpaste.  You are bombarded with different definitions of what love is and all of them seem very small when you encounter the real thing.

Love is not a spectator sport.  Love requires a real commitment.  You can't fake love. And when you have tasted the real thing, no substitute will every satisfy again.  When you choose to open your heart to the mystery of love, you are choosing to participate in God's plan, sharing with others and opening your arms to the revolution of love.  It doesn't matter whether you fall in love with a person or encounter love in your brothers and sisters, real love always brings transformation and change into your life.  When the love of God touches you, the revolution will be more profound than anything you have ever known. Say "yes" to God's love with open arms.

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