Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Free From Frustration

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever, do not forsake the works of Your hands (Psalm 138:8 NKJV)

Here's a prescription for frustration: Try to do everything perfectly all the time.  Oh, you may tell yourself that you are being "sensible" and not expecting too much.  But it's so easy to get caught up in plans and create unrealistic expectations of who you are and what you should be.  You need to relax and memorize this motto: Do your best and let God do the rest.

When you try too hard to be perfect and totally in control, you create frustration.  Life is a gift, but it's a gift with grit.  Sometimes you'll try to achieve a goal and fall short.  Tempers flair, rooms get messy, bodies get sick and clothes winkle.  It's all part of life.

What is your definition of a perfect person? a perfect relationship? a perfect career? a perfect marriage? Does your definition of perfect get in the way of enjoying life as it really is?  Can you become more comfortable with seeing yourself as someone who is loved and forgiven by God.  Can you appreciate the beauties of home, family, relationships, work, and worship as works in progress instead of lacking in polished perfection?

Relax and learn to love the imperfections.  Recognize that God creates beauty out of imperfections.  You are a person in process, and when you give yourself to the processes of God, you will discover a new and more beautiful definition of grace and perfection.

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