Monday, October 21, 2013

Why do you want it? What will you Sacrifice?

Kids are some of the most inquisitive people that walk this earth, and rightfully so, they are sponges gathering information and learning every single day.  One of the most over used words they use in their investigation is “why.”  Although the “why” questions can be very irritating, they will often pose some of the greatest challenges to the logic of our daily operations.  Too often we desire things from God without weighting the value of our why. Why do you want that nice house; why do you want that nice car; why do you want that relationship; that job?  Whatever your “that” is, why do you want it? Understanding the magnitude of your why will give depth to your sacrifice. 
If we really desire something, we will have no problem proving it in our sacrifice. The bible declares in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have ever lasting life.”  What was God’s why to His sacrifice?  He loved us so much and as a byproduct of His love, He sacrificed His only Son. 

The weight of His love brought about a sacrifice that proved how much He really loved you and I.  Even when we were sinners.  Today is a simple challenge, examine your why and really determine does the weight of my why, give depth to my sacrifice or does the depth of my sacrifice give weight to my why? God Bless you…

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