Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Let God Work from the Inside Out

The words that come out of your mouth come from your heart. (Matthew 15:18 CEV)

Any task you have to do whether it's conducting a meeting, invoicing an order, working at a job that you do not like, or taking a patient's blood pressure can be done with many different attitudes:  What's in it for me? When do I get to go home? How can I help the other person? The outward words and actions matter, but not as much as what's in your heart. What is really in your heart in terms of relationships, work and even your spiritual walk.  We are vessels used by God to show people the way to Him.  If our heart is not filled with God's love then what type of love are we really showing.  Is it only love when they do what you want them to do?  Is it love when things only go your way?

It helps to be aware of what we are here on earth to do: to make peace between God and other people, to bring them together, to reconcile the world to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).  As we work in any kind of job, we need to ask ourselves how we can help someone get a clearer picture of God's love.  And we can enjoy God's company while doing the task.  It's not so much the specific task we do as the heart with which we do it.  A peacemaking, reconciling heart doesn't give itself easy to evil thoughts, lies and insults.  Instead it makes peace, and puts forth what is right, in a loving way.

Let the words that come of your mouth come from your heart and the Love of God.

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