Saturday, February 23, 2013

Increase Your Faith

“So then, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17 NKJV)

A few months ago, I planted my first plants in front of my house and one of the things I notice after a few weeks was while the plants were in their pot they grew with almost no problem.  In their pot, they were isolated from any other plants or weeds.  Once I planted them in the ground, I exposed them to all the other plants and weeds in my yard and the weeds began to grow right next to my plants.  Eventually the weeds began to grow and multiply draining all the nutrients from my plants and causing them to die off. I wanted my plants to grow and increase, but they couldn’t as long as all the weeds were in the same place.  Once I dug up the weeds, my plants were able to grow again.

Have you ever asked God to increase your faith, have you ever wanted to believe in His word, but couldn’t?  Romans 10:17 says “So then, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”  Just like the plants in my yard, we are in a world exposed to so much outside influence, influence that will deprive us of the word of God.  Today I challenge you to practice resisting unnecessary outside influence and began to meditate on the word of God.  The more we grow word of God, the more we grow in our faith in the word of God.

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