Esau was so passionate about eating, he was willing to give up his birthright for a 10 -15 minute meal. He made a decision to give up the fruit of his father's life labor to satisfy a momentary appetite (Genesis 25:29-34). One impulsive decision cost Adam and Eve their life (Genesis 3); one impulsive decision caused Cain to kill Abel (Genesis 4). Impulse has the ability to blind us leaving us with an inability to see where we are going or even hear what we should do. Your impulse may be violence, it may be shopping, it may be fornication or even adultery, despite the depth or the simplicity of your impulse, there is a remedy. The bible say “in all your ways acknowledge Him (God) and He will direct your path”(Proverbs 3:6 NKJV). Today, I pray that your day will exceed your expectations, remember the enemy would love to do nothing but redirect your steps away from the path God has aligned for your life. Do not allow your emotions to blind you causing you make an impulsive decision, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will continue to direct your path.
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